AXS Howald

Lot3 b 1 | Baltisse
Lot3 b 2 | Baltisse
Lot3 b 3 | Baltisse
1531 Images Juin20 01 | Baltisse
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Lot3 b 1 | Baltisse
Lot3 b 2 | Baltisse
Lot3 b 3 | Baltisse
1531 Images Juin20 01 | Baltisse

Strategically located on the future Howald multi-modal hub (train, bus and tram), AXS is an ambitious project that aims to redevelop a retail park area into a multi-functional district comprising offices, housing and shops. The 5 buildings of the project will be integrated into a high quality landscaped area.

Already 80% of AXS Howals is sold.